The Crying Game
Hmmm….Hilary’s breakdown was a hot topic in my young women’s group last night. There’s multiple reactions to it, but most seemed to agree that it is more acceptable to cry in admitting to being overwhelmed that to get emotional over the issues and the lost potential of the country. And that the question should never have been asked.
I haven’t decided yet, but I have always been told about the “One Cry” Rule. You can do it once. Make it good and don’t waste it. After that, you’re a whiner. Suck it up. It could be a different rule for White women. (Surely it is.) I’ve seen women with the privilege (not the guts and the sweaty win) cry, and my reaction is different. Everybody needs a good cry, but timing and location are crucial to what happens after the cry.
So, I wonder in my conspiratorial lens…Funny how she lost in Iowa…Polls said she was behind in NH…She cries on camera…Then she wins and one media report says she has is a “Comeback Kid.” (Like it is the last round in a Rocky movie, and not primary number 2.) More women showed up for the primary and she won them the time. Did the women show up for their sister? What difference does crying make and are we getting sucked in to the gender game with it as a political strategy?
Let’s see what happens…
You have aptly summed up the black woman manifesto on crying in public. I loved it from the moment that I read it. Well said. Well said. Well said. She doesn't get another pass with, no matter how stressful things get. Next time I'm suspicious.
Thanks for a great post here and on my blog!!
You'd have to be living under a rock to not see that the country is in the crapper.
You'd have to be blind to think the media won't use your past against you.
You'd have to be ignorant to think a vulnerable woman crying isn't going to rack up sympathy votes.
We (as the voting public) have to be naive to think any of the candidates can really fix our "everyday" problems. Just like the teacher teaching and the student not listening, you can fix your own problems, you just need to figure out how.
We have to be deaf not to see that all these candidates are saying the same things from different angles. I could care less what you say, but I'm not sure you're so bright as to convince me you know what type of people need to be on your team (not who--who cares who--but what type of people, what skills, what characteristics. If you can do the job, who cares who you are?)
Lastly, we'd have to be quite the judgemental lot to fault anyone for crying. What she did wasn't a cry. Punk out perhaps. Frustration, no doubt. Whatever it was, I don't care, it's a weakness. It shows vulnerability. It garnered a feeling of hopelessness about the country and that's the last thing I want from a leader. If you're that emotional about the state of things how on earth are you to convince me that you're strong enough to deal with the real grabage that this country is in?
Because we all know you never know what you're in for until you actually get there.
Good Luck.
i have never heard this "one cry rule" but it is hilarious! when i first heard this news story, all i could think about was the great martha stewart in her short lived, but excellent, apprentice stint. the geniuos martha (can u tell i love her!?) said sternly to a candidate, "what are you doing? women in business don't cry" soon after, her next words were "you're fired". LOL. it's martha stewart so you have to take what she says as gold! come on have you seen her wedding cakes!? she's obviously perfect! i digress...
so as it pertains to h.r. clinton, being a women in a man's world, showing "weakness", as crying is perceived in either sex, is risky! in this instance it worked for her, but boy was that risky. my advice for the furture.. follow tamecia's one cry rule clinton! you had a one, and boy was it an effective one! now dont let it happen again!!!
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